I'm getting asked a lot about the intensity of the moment. It's not just the eclipses or the approaching mercury retrograde for most folks. The larger arc that many are feeling is probably the Pluto/Uranus square (exact most recently on May 20th). The last time Pluto and Uranus were dancing together was during the late 1960s, before that was the Great Depression. This moment we're in now has echoes of those eras-it's less dancing and more a sideways tug of war a la occupy/tea party mvmts. On a personal level, the need for deep inward change calls and the universe answers with unexpected outward shifts that make avoiding that deep call much less of an option. Themes around the individual and the collective call too. We've got a couple more years of this to go. Some astrologers have been saying "buckle up." The astrologers I've been most resonating with are saying that "buckling up" will do no good. The illusion of safety from the great turning holds us back from so very much and it's time to let go. You can find my favorite resource for dealing with this on a personal level (described aptly as a first aid kit for the soul) here.
I've noticed that folks born in the late 1960s seem to be experiencing a certain blossoming. A blog is brewing about that, but isn't yet ripe. If you're one of the folks born around 1968 or 1969, I'd love to hear how the past couple of years have been for you. I'd love to hear how the past couple years have been for all of you.
1 Comment
12/7/2020 10:06:28 pm
Nice Post...
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