First, an autumnal and apt prayer in the form of a poem: When I rise up let me rise up joyful like a bird When I fall let me fall without regret like a leaf. -Wendell Berry This Friday, October 5th the planet of boundaries and blockages that bring maturity moved from harmony prioritizing Libra into deep, shit-stirring Scorpio. On Friday, my favorite bag(gage) was shit on as I cycled to therapy. A few days later, when I got distracted and rushed, inattentive to the ground I was walking on, I stepped in a pile of it. There's something wonderful about seeing clearly that I had everything I needed to deal with the annoyances (thank goodness for wet wipes left over from Burning Man and it was in that very baggage that needed tending). The tools we need to heal are often revealed only in the emotional baggage and wounds we so often seek to avoid. There's something even more wonderful about realizing that the symbolic universe was tying to come thru and remind me that this next Saturn cycle will be about turning the shit of our lives into the compost that will nourish that which we seek to cultivate. What is it that you wish to bring forth over the next couple of years? Spend some time this Samhain (aka Halloween) and new moon solar eclipse in scorpio (11/13) contemplating and creating the magic necessary to make it happen. And when you have to deal with a bunch of shit, ask yourself how you can transform it into something useful.
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